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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 Lightweight framework for the violence and falling-down event occurrence detection for surveillance videos
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김형민, 전호범, 김도형, 김재홍
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.1629-1634
22PS2700, 인간과 로봇의 물리적, 인지적 상호작용을 통하여 정서 교감이 가능한 반려로봇 기술 개발, 김도형
Recently, there are huge advances in the computer vision and deep-learning technology. However, the practical and light-weight solution for capturing the abnormal event is still less researched, especially in bad weather conditions such as snow and rain. In this paper, we propose the entire pipeline of the abnormal event occurrence detection system for realistic surveillance videos. The proposed system can detect two abnormal behavior: violence and falling down. While modern object detection models accomplish remarkable performance, pedestrian detection and tracking with fast processing speed still have problems, primarily when abnormal behaviors such as falling down occur. In this paper several tracking enhancement method is proposed. The proposed methods improve the F1 score of 21.21% of the detection of the falling down on the largescale CCTV dataset named KISA overseas. Finally, the proposed system achieved the reliable performance of 91% averaged F1 score on the KISA-v2 test set which address the various weather condition and places.
KSP 제안 키워드
Abnormal behavior, Computer Vision(CV), Enhancement method, Intrusion detection system(IDS), Lightweight framework, Object detection, Processing speed, Surveillance video, Test Set, abnormal event, deep learning(DL)