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Conference Paper IPlug and dSocket: A New Network API for Decoupling Identifier and Locator
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Cinyoung Hur, Jeong-hwan Kim, Heeyoung Jung, Woojik Chun
Issue Date
Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2015, pp.460-463
Conference Paper
Project Code
15ZI1200, 고품격 미래인터넷을위한 식별자기반 네트워킹기술연구, Jung Heeyoung
In current Internet, network API acts as a bridge between application and network and the importance of its role is growing. However, it has inherent limitation of tight-coupling which makes almost indivisible all the network environments, such as transport controls and network-specific addresses. This coupling not only makes it difficult to change one without changing another, but also prevents both sides from evolving. This work presents a novel network API, iPlug and dSocket, which not only decouples identifier and locator, but splits application-specific functions from protocol-specific. Our design enables (1) injection of information-centered applications requirements, (2) encapsulated control of underlying network mechanisms, and (3) dynamic coupling between applications and network. The proposed API is implemented as a shared library that can be easily deployed. Our evaluations on mobility environment showed that applications have the benefits of clear abstraction and easy programmability from decoupled iPlug and dSocket API.
KSP Keywords
Application-specific, Dynamic coupling