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Conference Paper Study on IoT based Wild Vegetation Community Ecological Monitoring System
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Nae-Soo Kim, Kyeseon Lee, Jae-Hong Ryu
Issue Date
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2015, pp.311-316
Conference Paper
Project Code
15NC1200, The wireless sensor network based the wildlife ecosystem monitoring technology development, Nae-Soo Kim
This paper presents a study on the Internet of Things based low-power wireless sensor networks for remote monitoring of wildlife ecosystem due to climate change. Especially, it is targeting the wild vegetation communities ecological monitoring. First, this paper is presented the platform concept that can effectively monitor, analyze and predict the ecosystem changes based on Internet of Things technology. Based on this, this paper is proposed the required sensors and system architecture of low-power wireless sensor networks based on Internet of Things for the wild vegetation community ecological monitoring. In addition, the design and implementation results for the main components of the system are shown. Finally, it shows the operating results of test-bed which was applied to real wild trees, using the developed prototype.
KSP Keywords
Climate Change, Internet of Things technology, Internet of thing(IoT), Low power wireless, Monitoring system, Remote monitoring, Static wireless sensor networks(WSNs), System architecture, Test-bed, design and implementation, ecological monitoring