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Conference Paper Probabilistic Zone Transition Mobility Model for Multi-Radio Overlay Networks Simulation
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Jeoung Lak Ha, Jin Up Kim, Sang Ha Kim
Issue Date
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2009, pp.632-636
Conference Paper
Project Code
09MR3900, Research on environment-adaptive autonomous technologies for mobile wireless access, Kim Jinup
Future wireless communication systems are expected to be comprised of multiple overlay networks, in which different kinds of Radio Access Technologies (RATs) are being deployed in overlay. Since efficient use of multiple RATs may result in economical benefits to users and network operators, RAT selection, or joint radio resource management, is an important issue. For the sake of proper RAT selection, users' velocity and network load status are considered as vital parameters. In this regard this paper proposed a mobility model to reflect both individual user's velocity and collective network load according to zones. To cope with different coverage size of RATs and supporting velocity of mobile nodes we employ probabilistic change of velocity according to user's position. We first divide the whole simulation area into zones according to users' mobility pattern and define probabilistic zone transition model (PZTM). We believe the proposed mobility model is consistent with real life as well. ©2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Economical benefits, Joint radio resource management, Mobile node(MN), Mobility models, Mobility pattern, Network load, Network operator, RAT selection, Radio Access Technologies, Users' mobility, Wireless communication system