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Conference Paper Effects of the Providing an Augmented Reality Information on the Cognitive Reaction Behavior under the Reduced Visibility Traffic Environment
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Yoonsook Hwang, Kyong-Ho Kim, Hyun-Kyun Choi
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1032-1034
Conference Paper
Project Code
17ZS1600, Smart digital cockpit system for electric vehicle, Kim Do Hyun
This study was aimed to confirm the effects of augmented reality (AR) information use on the cognitive reaction behavior of drivers with specific reckless driving propensity under reduced visibility traffic environment. Therefore, we conducted an experiment to collect the reaction time for preceding vehicles and pedestrians. And We collected the reckless driving propensity information of drivers using a questionnaire (consisting of Speeding, Inexperienced Coping, Wild Driving, Drunken Driving, and Distraction). In this study, the 35 male drivers participated in experiment. As a result of analysis, the driver with high Inexperienced Coping to the traffic environment and situations had a significant positive correlation with their cognitive reaction time to the dynamic objects under reduced visibility traffic environment. However, this result was not found while they were participated in AR information usage condition. This result suggest that AR information might be make relieve stress, tension, and modify the unsafe detection to the dynamic objects of the driver with the specific driving propensity while driving under reduced visibility traffic environment.
KSP Keywords
Augmented reality(AR), Positive correlation, Reaction behavior, Reaction time, Reckless driving, Reduced visibility, Traffic environment, dynamic object, information use