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Conference Paper Driver Reaction Acceptance and Evaluation to Abnormal Driving Situations
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Kwangsoo Kim, Bong Wan Kim, Jun Wook Lee, Dong-Hwan Park
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1377-1379
Conference Paper
Project Code
18HH2900, Development of Self-learnable common IoT SW engine, Park Dong-Hwan
This paper describes a system which generates an alert on an abnormal driving situation to a driver, receives a reaction from the driver, and evaluates the effectiveness of the alert. The abnormal driving situations are separated into three types: drowsy driving, reckless driving, and distracted driving. The system consists of several components: sensing component, analysis component, inference component, alert generation component, user interface, and evaluation component. The sensing component measures and collects the data related to the driving situations. The analysis component analyzes the raw data generated by individual sensing component and generates valuable information used to determine the driving situation. The inference component combines those information received from the analysis component and extracts an abnormal driving situation. The alert generation component generates a different alert according to each abnormal driving situation. The user interface displays the alert and receives a reaction from the driver. The evaluation component evaluates the effectiveness of the alert. This system will help prevent vehicle accidents caused by a driver in abnormal driving situations.
KSP Keywords
Distracted Driving, Drowsy driving, Reckless driving, User interface, Vehicle accidents, raw data