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Conference Paper A Study on the Effects of Economic Zero Energy Town according to the Korea’s Renewable Energy Support Policies
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Cheol-Ho Shin, Taehyung KIM, SekJin Lee, JaeYoung Kim, Hong-soon Nam, Youn Kwae Jeong
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1204-1207
Conference Paper
Project Code
19PH1700, Convergence Technology Development for Zero-energy Town Energy Cloud Implement, Jeong Youn Kwae
This paper is a study for the implementation of economic Zero Energy Town (ZET) according to the policy of supporting renewable energy introduced in Korea to promote the renewable energy supply. In this study, the demand management model is divided into building unit and town unit, and the economic effects of demand management using the renewable energy facilities such as PV and ESS are analyzed in these models. For this analysis, we applied the electricity billing system and the renewable energy support policies in Korea to the two demand management models in the same way. We also used the six building energy consumption patterns and PV energy generation patterns collected through actual monitoring. Simulation results show that the town unit demand management model showed a 39% higher electricity bill reduction rate than the building unit demand management model through the sharing of renewable energy facilities in the town.
KSP Keywords
Building energy consumption, Consumption patterns, Demand Management, Energy Generation, Management model, Reduction rate, Renewable energy supply, Renewable energy support, Zero-energy, billing system, building unit