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Conference Paper Real Space 3D Mesh Transformation Preprocessing System for AR Services
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Young-Suk Yoon, Sangheon Park, Sangwon Hwang, Sangyoun Lee, Hyunwoo Cho, Chanho Park, Sung-Uk Jung
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.1478-1483
Conference Paper
Project Code
20IH2800, Development of participational AR platform for large-scale cultural space, Jung Sung Uk
We propose a system that preprocesses a real space into a 3D mesh to provide augmented reality service. The proposed system acquires an image sequence using an RGB camera to model a real space. First, we transform the obtained sequence of RGB images into a 3D point cloud with real spatial information. Also, we segment the objects in the RGB image sequence and classify classes of the objects. Next, the proposed system performs a three-dimensional point labeling, which allocates object information for each point by using the three-dimensional point cloud and the segmented information of the object. Then, points in 3D space with the same label are gathered for each object. Finally, 3D meshes are generated only from points having the same identification number among the collected points. In this paper, it was confirmed that the 3D mesh can be created only with not using various types of sensors to obtain 3D information but the RGB image sequence.
KSP Keywords
3D Mesh, 3D information, 3D point cloud, 3D space, Augmented reality(AR), Augmented reality service, Image sequence, Point labeling, RGB camera, RGB image, Three dimensional(3D)