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학술대회 An Equidistant Message Power Attack Using Restricted Number of Traces on Reduction Algorithm
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박종연, 한동국, 이옥연, 김정녀
International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE) 2012 (LNEE 214), v.214, pp.315-322
12PI1100, 다자간 협업을 위한 몰입형 스마트워크 핵심기술 개발, 김도영
The RSA-CRT algorithm has been widely used because of the efficiency of its exponent operation. The physical susceptibility of RSA-CRT to various side channel attacks has been investigated in several studies. Boer et al. proposed MRED (Modular Reduction on Equidistant Data), a brilliant differential power analysis (DPA) of CRT reduction with equidistant chosen messages. This attack targets intermediate data that depend on the value. We introduce a new approach the MRED attack, related to a subtraction algorithm that is not solely based on the value. Our approach is superficially similar to previous DPA attacks; however, is based on a totally different assumption from that of data dependent analysis. According to our results, only 256 traces are needed to reduce 1 block key to 2 key candidates, so it is a more efficient analysis method on restricted trace environments. Moreover, it can be used to attack a data-dependent trace system. One example of this kind of attack is non-Hamming weight. We describe our technique with its advantages and disadvantages, and we show simulation results using an MSP430 and based software board. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media.
KSP 제안 키워드
Analysis method, DPA attacks, Data-dependent, Differential Power Analysis, Efficient analysis, Hamming weight, Intermediate data, New approach, Reduction algorithm, Side Channel Attacks, Subtraction algorithm