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학술대회 Emotion Classification based on Physiological Signals induced by Negative Emotions : Discriminantion of Negative Emotions by Machine Learning Algorithm
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장은혜, 박병준, 김상협, 손진훈
International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC) 2012, pp.283-288
11SF1100, 시각 생체 모방 소자 및 인지 시스템 기술 개발, 정명애
Recently, the one of main topic of emotion recognition or classification research is to recognize human's feeling or emotion using various physiological signals. It is one of the core processes to implement emotional intelligence in human computer interaction (HCI) research. The purpose of this study was to identify the best algorithm being able to discriminate negative emotions, such as sadness, fear, surprise, and stress using physiological features. Electrodermal activity (EDA), electrocardiogram (ECG), skin temperature (SKT), and photoplethysmography (PPG) are recorded and analyzed as physiological signals. And emotional stimuli used in this study are audio-visual film clips which have examined for their appropriateness and effectiveness through preliminary experiment. For classification of negative emotions, five machine learning algorithms, i.e., LDF, CART, SOM, Na챦ve Bayes and SVM are used. Result of emotion classification shows that an accuracy of emotion classification by SVM (100.0%) was the highest and by LDA (50.7%) was the lowest. CART showed emotion classification accuracy of 84.0%, SOM was 51.2% and Na챦ve Bayes was 76.2%. This can be helpful to provide the basis for the emotion recognition technique in HCI. © 2012 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Audio-visual, Classification Research, Electrodermal activity, Emotion classification, Emotion recognition, Emotional intelligence, Film clips, Machine Learning Algorithms, Negative emotions, Physiological features, Physiological signals