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Conference Paper Face and Eye Tracking for Sub-Hologram Based Digital Holographic Display System
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Heekyung Lee, Min-sik Park, Jihun Cha, Jinwoong Kim
Issue Date
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2012 (SPIE 8384), pp.1-9
Conference Paper
Project Code
12PR4200, Development of Interactive View Control Technologies for IPTV, Cha Jihun
Sub-hologram based holographic display method is one of the most practical approaches for realizing big size holographic display. However, this method needs highly accurate face and eye tracking function in real-time to enable precise steering of backlight and generation of corresponding sub-hologram for each video frame. We theoretically estimated several parameters, such as accuracy, speed and distance from an observer, required for the eye tracking function and developed an eye tracking system whose objective is accurate and fast 3D positioning of left and right pupils of an observer. Experimental results show that the system obtains accurate 3D pupil positions with an error less than 3 mm at 30 frames per second under disturbing conditions such as more than 2m distance and an observer wearing glasses. Therefore, our implementation could be sufficiently applied to the sub-hologram based display system. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
KSP Keywords
3D positioning, Display System, Eye tracking system, Frames per second(FPS), Highly accurate, Optical instrumentation, Real-Time, holographic display, video frames