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학술대회 Management Server Architecture for REST Web Services Composition
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최민, 이원재
International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech) 2012 (LNEE 164), v.164, pp.585-593
12PR2700, HTML5 기반 웹 모바일 가상화 플랫폼 기술 개발, 류원
RESTful web service are becoming more popular with the explosive use of smartphone applications. Thus, we propose the concept of management server for composed RESTful web services. Due to limited resources of smartphone computing platforms, we are not able to make all necessary data within a smartphone, we should access the data from third party servers or vendors instead. To improve processing efficiency, we need to access information with RESTful web service in a composed way. That means we do not have to access two or more REST web services in serial, but we just access a composed web service only once through a powerful cloud computing server. Our management server framework dynamically launches the binds converted objects in order for developers to easily deploy their web service without physical server. Experimental result shows that our server outperforms conventional approaches. © Springer Science+Business Media Dortdrecht 2012.
KSP 제안 키워드
Cloud Computing, Experimental Result, Limited resources, Management server, Once through, Restful web services, Smartphone Application, Smartphone Computing, Third party, Web Services Composition, Web service(WS)