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학술대회 A Personalized Healthcare System for Chronic Disease Care in Home-Hospital Cloud Environments
Cited 7 time in scopus Download 2 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
정상진, 김성환, 김대순, 윤찬현, 김용운
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2013, pp.371-376
13ME1400, 그린 네트워킹을 위한 에너지 절감 유무선 제어 및 관리 기술 표준 개발, 정상진
The increasing number of patients having chronic diseases is becoming an important issue in many countries. Since a patient having chronic disease usually spends most of time with self-management in out-of-hospital environments, particularly athome environment, and patients have different disease statuses and management requirements, it is important to provide integrated and personalized healthcare services for the patients. However, many studies aim to develop integrated and computationally efficient healthcare systems, and the development of personalized patients customizable healthcare system is less considered. To resolve this issue, we propose a cloud-based personalized healthcare system for chronic disease care. The proposed system provides several chronic disease care services including metabolic syndrome care services. Further, the service broker module within the proposed personalized healthcare system, which supports dynamic provision and configuration of personalized at-home healthcare system in cloud environments, is described. Finally, the prototype implementation of the proposed personalized healthcare system including the service broker and mobile applications for patients are presented. We expect the proposed personalized healthcare system to be applicable to provide cost effective and personalized chronic disease care. © 2013 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Cloud-based, Computationally Efficient, Healthcare Systems, Home healthcare(HHC), Metabolic syndrome, Mobile Application(APP), Personalized healthcare services, Prototype implementation, Self-management, Service Broker, chronic disease