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학술대회 A Two-Dimensional Ultrasonic Transducer Having Planar Backing Array Electrodes
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안창근, 이인범, 노형욱, 이수열, 장원익, 김봉규
SENSORS 2013, pp.1-4
13VC3700, 유방암수술시 전이부위 실시간 판독이 가능한 형광(심도>10mm)및 광음향(분해능<60um@30Mhz,심도>60mm@10MHz)융합 프로브 기술 개발, 김봉규
We have proposed the planar backing array electrodes implementation of a 2D ultrasonic transducer, which can minimize the complexity of backing electrodes interconnection with two dimensional transducer elements. The implementation consists of specially designed two layered planar top electrodes, instead of the complex circuit boards three-dimensionally interconnected with piezo-elements. Bias electrodes apply the voltage and control electrodes select the elements at which we want to apply the bias by shielding the field stretched on other elements. Potential distribution in a piezo-element was simulated to see the feasibility of the new concept using field shielding by two layered top electrodes array. The results indicate that the structural implementation of two layered electrode array is very important and specially designed two layered electrodes are enough to control the perfect ON/OFF state, showing that most of the voltage (>98%) applied across the sensor element can be shielded. © 2013 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Array electrodes, Circuit Board, Layered electrode, Off-State, Piezo-element, Sensor element, Ultrasonic Transducer, electrode array, potential distribution, two-dimensional(2D)