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학술대회 Analysis of Electric Energy Consumption Patterns: A Case Study of a Real Life Office Building
Cited 2 time in scopus Download 2 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
한진수, 정연쾌, 정연쾌
International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT) 2013, pp.158-162
12IC1500, 고효율 건물에너지 감응형 EMM(Energy Monitoring & Management) 플랫폼 기술개발, 정연쾌
Electric energy consumption shares a great portion of commercial building energy. Electric energy saving is essential to reduce total energy consumption in commercial buildings. To draw energy saving methods, it is necessary to monitor real energy consumption patterns and analyze the results. We monitor the lighting and non-lighting energy consumption of eleven zones in a real working office building every fifteen minutes during eleven months. We observe and analyze the monthly and daily energy consumption patterns of all zones and draw several feasible energy saving methods. Moreover, the lighting and occupancy are monitored simultaneously in detail to investigate the unnecessary energy consumption. It shows the possibility of a great amount of energy saving. Because we analyze the energy consumption patterns in all zones, the drawn energy saving methods are applicable to the current building with some added infrastructure and expandable to other similar office buildings. Our result is expected to contribute to reducing the energy consumption in buildings. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
KSP 제안 키워드
Case studies, Commercial building, Consumption patterns, Electric energy saving, Energy consumption in buildings, Lighting energy, Office building, Total energy consumption, building energy, electric energy consumption