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학술대회 Application-Aware Optimization of Networking Protocols for Data Centres
Cited 1 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
김승철, 박세형, 송용운, 조우철, 이혁준
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2013, pp.446-450
13PI2500, 캐리어급 서비스 인프라를 위한 SDN 핵심 기술 개발, 양선희
Data centers are a key component in cloud computing. Network performance within a data center accounts for a significant portion of application performance. Conventional TCP protocols are not adequate for data center applications and often waste network resources. Several researchers proposed new TCP protocols to resolve congestion caused by incast phenomenon. In this paper, we propose a framework where application programmers can optimize the network functions to meet the specific bandwidth and deadline requirements of data center applications. At the end host, we provide flexibility to choose application-specific data center protocols depending on the application requirements. In addition, we propose a programmable virtual router implemented on FiRST Platform which can handle different data center specific protocols. We demonstrate our concept by implementing two recent TCP variant algorithms, D3 and DCTCP. © 2013 GIRI.
KSP 제안 키워드
Application-Aware, Application-specific, Cloud Computing, Data center, Data centres, Key Components, Network performance, Network resources, Networking Protocols, Virtual Router, application performance