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Conference Paper Data Acquisition Prototype for Analyzing GPS Jamming
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Inone Joo, Jeom-Hun Lee, Sanguk Lee, Jaehoon Kim
Issue Date
Asia Navigation Conference (ANC) 2013, pp.1-7
Conference Paper
GPS signal is easily damaged by GPS jamming because it is very weak low-power radio signal. ETRI is developing the GPS interference monitoring system which provides the detection and location of the GPS jamming. Additionally, it provides the data acquisition function for analyzing the GPS jamming through the post-processing. The data acquisition prototype is composed of the GPS antenna, the RF/IF down converter, the ADC converter, and the data storage. It could be controlled and operated by the remote site via the Ethernet interface. When the jamming signals in GPS L1/L2 band is occurred, users in the remote site can acquire the jamming signals by controlling the data acquisition prototype and download them via FTP to own PC. And then, users can analyze the GPS jamming through the post-processing such as the jamming signal power, the jamming signal shape and the area including the ocean affected by the jamming. This paper presents the design and the prototype of the GPS jamming data acquisition and shows the post-processing results after acquiring the GPS jamming.
KSP Keywords
ADC converter, Data Acquisition(DAQ), Ethernet interface, GPS Jamming, GPS antennas, GPS signal, Interference monitoring, Low-Power Radio, Monitoring system, Post-Processing, Radio Signal