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Conference Paper Fire Detection Using Sound Field Variation Method with a Multi-Tone Pulse Sound Source
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Kang-Ho Park, Sung Q Lee
Issue Date
International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV) 2013, pp.1-7
Conference Paper
Fire detection using sound field variation method is investigated with a multi-tone pulse sound source in an echoic room condition for the purpose of low power consumption and reduction of environmental noise due to the sound field generation. The sound pressure field generated by a speaker is measured by a microphone installed within a security space. The sound pressure level spectral pattern is measured with a variation of air temperature induced by a fire simulation heater and is analyzed in comparison with theoretical results. We investigated the spectral change depending on the air temperature. The spectral pattern shifts to higher frequency depending on the air temperature without the significant change of spectral shape. We proposed a fire detection method based on the sound field variation using a multitone pulse sound source.
KSP Keywords
Air Temperature, Detection Method, Fire detection, Fire simulation, Pressure field, Sound field, Sound pressure level, Sound source, Spectral Pattern, Spectral Shape, Temperature induced