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Conference Paper MMSE-Based Filter Design for Multi-User Peer-to-Peer MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems
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Joonwoo Shin, Jaekyun Moon, Jaeyoung Ahn
Issue Date
International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, pp.5505-5510
Conference Paper
Project Code
12VI1100, Development of B4G Mobile Communication Technologies for Smart Mobile Services, Park Nam Hoon
This paper is concerned with linear relay and destination filter design methods for the multi-user peer-to-peer amplify-and-forward relaying systems. Specifically, the relay and destination filter sets are developed which minimize the sum mean-squared-error (MSE). We first present a joint optimum relay and destination filter calculation method with an iterative algorithm. Motivated by the need to reduce computational complexity of the iterative scheme, we then formulate a simplified sum MSE minimization problem using the relay filter decomposability, which lead to two sub-optimum non-iterative design methods. One is based on zero-forcing channel-inversion and the other on minimum-mean-squared-error channel-inversion. Finally, we propose modified destination filter design methods which require only local channel state information between relay and a specific destination node. The simulation results verify that, compared with the optimum iterative method, the proposed non-iterative schemes suffer a marginal loss in performance while enjoying significantly improved implementation efficiencies. © 2013 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Channel State Information(CSI), Computational complexity, Filter design methods, Iterative design, Iterative method, Iterative scheme, MSE minimization, Minimum Mean Square Error(MMSE), Non-iterative, Peer-to-Peer(P2P), Zero forcing(ZF)