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Journal Article Fabrication of Multi-Electrode Array Platforms for Neuronal Interfacing with Bi-Layer Lift-off Resist Sputter Deposition
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Yong Hee Kim, Gook Hwa Kim, Nam Seob Baek, Young Hwan Han, Ah-Young Kim, Myung-Ae Chung, Sang-Don Jung
Issue Date
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v.23, no.9, pp.1-7
Institute of Physics (IOP)
Journal Article
Project Code
12SC1400, Development of Biocompatible Nano-Bio-Engineered Flexible Electrodes for Retinal Implant, Jung Sang Don
We report a bi-layer lift-off resist (LOR) technique in combination with sputter deposition of silicon dioxide (SiO2) as a new passivation method in the fabrication of a multi-electrode array (MEA). Using the photo-insensitive LOR as a sacrificial bottom layer and the negative photoresist as a patterning top layer, and performing low-temperature sputter deposition of SiO2 followed by lift-off, we could successfully fabricate damage-free indium-tin oxide (ITO) and Au MEA. The bi-layer LOR sputter deposition processed Au MEA showed an impedance value of 6 × 105 廓 (at 1 kHz), with good consistency over 60 electrodes. The passivation performance of the bi-layer LOR sputter-deposited SiO2 was tested by electrodepositing Au nanoparticles (NPs) on the Au electrode, resulting in the well-confined and uniformly coated Au NPs. The bi-layer LOR sputter deposition processed ITO, Au, and Au NP-modified MEAs were evaluated and found to have a neuronal spike recording capability at a single unit level, confirming the validity of the bi-layer LOR sputter deposition as an effective passivation technique in fabrication of a MEA. These results suggest that the damage-free Au MEA fabricated with bi-layer LOR sputter deposition would be a viable platform for screening surface modification techniques that are available in neuronal interfacing. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
KSP Keywords
Au electrode, Au nanoparticles(Au-NPs), Lift-off resist, Low temperature(LT), Multi-electrode array, Negative photoresist, Neuronal spike, Silicon dioxide, Sputter-deposited, Surface modification techniques, Top layer