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학술대회 Predicted Cost Model for Integrated Healthcare Systems Using Markov Process
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정상진, 윤찬현, 김용운
International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE) 2013 (LNEE 280), v.280, pp.181-187
14ME3700, 에너지 효율적인 네트워킹을 위한 단말 및 네트워크 제어?관리 기술 표준개발, 정상진
Predicting cost in the health care environment is a challenging issue for healthcare professionals. Chronic disease is a long term disease that requires life time care. Physicians need to keep tracking patients' status over time including routine medical examinations. In this paper, we investigate the healthcare service scenario for chronic disease care. Then, we propose a predicted cost model for the investigated healthcare service. The cost model is based on the prediction of utilization and attendant costs through the development of a stochastic model, specifically a first-order Markov chain, can be adapted to specific diseases and/or events. The proposed model is at the initial stage and may require testing using a large administrative database of patients and hospital operational costs. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.
KSP 제안 키워드
Care environment, First-order Markov chain, Healthcare Services, Healthcare Systems, Healthcare professionals, Initial stage, Life time, Operational costs, Over time, Proposed model, Stochastic model