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Conference Paper Test Environment Establishment for GNSS Spoofing Interference Detection
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Seongkyun Jeong, Taehee Kim, Sanguk Lee, Jaehoon Kim
Issue Date
Asia Navigation Conference (ANC) 2013, pp.1-8
Conference Paper
As GNSS is used in various filed, the stability and availability are more required. For various purposes, the GNSS interference is performed intentionally or unintentionally. The GNSS interference is classified by jamming and spoofing. Jamming is to make GNSS receiver disable with strong signal and spoofing is to deceive GNSS receiver with imitative signal. This paper is about spoofing test environment. In real situation, to simulate spoofing interference is too difficult but the verification of performance is important issue. We propose the test environment which can provide the RF spoofing signal for spoofing detection module test. In our proposal, the normal signal and spoofing signal are generated by software signal generator. This constitution is to consider the efficiency in making spoofing signal and the application of spoofing scenario because it is too difficult to make spoofing signal synchronized with normal authentic signal in RF level. For RF spoofing signal, the IF signal which is generated by software signal generator is converted to RF signal in test environment. In this paper, we introduce the test environment for GNSS spoofing interference detection. The spoofing scenario is constructed and presented by simulation as the spoofing signal analysis.
KSP Keywords
GNSS interference, GNSS receiver, RF Spoofing, RF signal, Signal Generator, Signal analysis, Software signal, Spoofing detection, Spoofing interference, Test environment, interference detection