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Journal Article Interference Management for LTE Femtocell System using Power Control
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Kyong-Tak CHO, Junsik KIM, Gwangil JEON, Byunghan RYU, Namhoon PARK
Issue Date
IEICE Transactions on Communications, v.E95-B, no.5, pp.1784-1792
일본, 전자정보통신학회 (IEICE)
Journal Article
Project Code
11MI1700, Development of SON and Femtocell Technologies for LTE-Advanced System, Park Nam Hoon
Since femtocells are deployed in a two tier cellular network, along with macrocells operating on the same channel, interference between them limits the overall performance of the network. Without any control of the femtocell operation, pre-deployed macrocells will experience severe interference, which is not consistent with the current femtocell deployment principle. In this paper, to resolve this problem, a mathematical framework that optimizes the downlink transmission power of femtocells is formulated. Based on the formulated framework, we derive the optimal value of the transmission power so that the transmission affects the predeployed macrocell's downlink performance at a minimum scale, while providing sufficient Quality of Service (QoS) to its served users. Further-more, to reduce the complexity of the power control process, we propose an Interference Estimation scheme which approximates the interference levels between different pairs of macrocell and femtocell base stations. The feasibility of this estimation process is shown by deriving the lower and upper bound of the estimation error. Through simulations, compared to no power control, we show that our proposed method provides a 17.64% reduction in macro user's outage probability, 5.9 dB decrease of interference on celledge macrocell users, and a 1.41 times increase in average user throughput. Copyright © 2012 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
KSP Keywords
Cellular networks, Control Process, Femtocell system, Information and communication, LTE femtocell, Macro user, Outage probability(OP), Overall performance, Power control(PC), Upper bounds, average user throughput(AUT)