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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 A Safer Way to Share a Car based on SNS to Increase Use Efficiency of Released Vehicles
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손명희, 민옥기, 김종현, 백승훈
International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST) 2014, pp.1-6
14MS9500, 사이버 공격의 사전 사후 대응을 위한 사이버 블랙박스 및 통합 사이버보안 상황분석 기술 개발, 김종현
Due to rapid urbanization, a parking space in cities is very insufficient, and moreover, a use efficiency of released vehicles is greatly reduced. To solve such problems, a car sharing service has been introduced, but focuses on a service that overcomes limitations of rental cars. Our paper is focused on providing the safest car sharing service based on SNS(Social Networking Service) to increase a use efficiency of released vehicles. More particularly, a direct transaction between a car sharing service provider and a user can be provided. Therefore, it is not required to separately construct an infrastructure for the car sharing service. Our paper can be contributed to maximize the usability of the used car and to solve a problem which is lack of parking lots by using the cyber security mechanism.
KSP 제안 키워드
Car-sharing, Cyber security, Direct transaction, Parking lot, Parking space, Service Provider, Social Networking Service(SNS), Use efficiency, security mechanism