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학술대회 Advanced Heuristic Drift Elimination for Indoor Pedestrian Navigation
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주호진, 이민수, 박찬국, 이소연, 박상준
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) 2014, pp.729-732
14MC3500, 병사들에게 실전과 같은 가상훈련 환경을 제공하기 위한 전 방향 이동 지원 상호작용 소프트웨어 기술 개발, 박상준
In this paper, we proposed Advanced Heuristic Drift Elimination (AHDE) which can remove azimuth drift error in indoor environments. In Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) system, azimuth error is one of the main factors that cause estimated position error. In order to reduce azimuth error, several methods are used. Heuristic Drift Elimination (HDE) algorithm proposed by Johann Borenstein shows great strength in indoor environments. HDE assumes that generally walls and corridors are straight and either parallel or orthogonal to each other in man-made building. They called the typical directions of walls and corridors as the dominant directions. HDE is corrected if the computed azimuth angle matches the closest dominant direction. HDE also has limitation when the pedestrian walks in various directions because HDE can cause a new azimuth error by matching the closed dominant direction. To overcome these limitations, we propose AHDE which is based on INS-EKF-ZUPT (IEZ) by using foot-mounted IMU. The algorithm consists with the following two steps. First, it determines whether a pedestrian is walking straight forward or not. If a pedestrian is not walking straight forward, the algorithm estimates the biases of accelerometers and gyroscopes by Zero velocity UPdaTe (ZUPT) method. However if the pedestrian is walking straight forward, the algorithm determines whether the pedestrian is walking along the dominant direction or not. When it is determined that pedestrian is walking along the dominant direction, the algorithm corrects the computed azimuth angle to the closest dominant direction. When it is determined that the pedestrian is not walking along the dominant direction but walking straight with no change in azimuth, AHDE applies a correction to the gyro output which contains the bias error. Experimental results show that the accuracy of AHDE is improved compared to HDE and the algorithm is a powerful method which can reduce the azimuth error in complex motion.
KSP 제안 키워드
Azimuth Angle, Bias error, Dominant direction, Drift elimination, Estimated position error, Foot-mounted IMU, Indoor Environment, Indoor pedestrian navigation, Main factors, Pedestrian Dead Reckoning, Pedestrian walks