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학술대회 Analysis of Virtual Machine Monitor as Trusted Dependable Systems
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가니스, 정영우, 김학영
International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC) / International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC) / International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (ScalCom) 2014, pp.603-608
14PS5500, 스마트카드 가상화, 정영우
A Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is the primary solution in data centers to support cloud computing services. Its ability to virtualize machines promises cost efficiency, ease of management, robustness, security, and scalability. However, as the complexity of computer systems is perpetually expanding, providing trustworthy and dependable systems is becoming a more crucial issue than ever. This paper investigates a VMM's capabilities in implementing a trusted dependable system. The overview, requirements, and challenges in a VMM are given. Available VMMs in the academic communities are thoroughly examined by means of dependability such as fault tolerance, fault prevention, fault removal, and fault forecasting. Due to Xen's and KVM's availability and popularity, they are observed in this paper. During our analysis, we found their weaknesses in terms of dependability. By the end of the paper, recommendations for VMMs are presented.
KSP 제안 키워드
Cloud computing service, Computer systems, Cost Efficiency, Data center, Dependable systems, Fault forecasting, Fault prevention, Fault tolerance, Virtual machine(VM), Virtual machine monitor, fault removal