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Conference Paper ARQ Scheme of Multimedia Streaming for Hybrid Delivery over Heterogeneous Network
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Sung Hei Kim, Chang Kyu Lee, Jae Hyoung Lee, Shin Gak Kang
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2014, pp.622-625
Conference Paper
Project Code
13ME1500, Standards Development for Context-aware based Content Delivery, Kang Shin Gak
Nowadays, many mobile devices have multiple networking modules to receive data from various networks such as WI-FI, 3G, Wimax, DVB-H, etc. The mobile devices are used to receive multimedia streams through various networking interfaces. However, mobile characteristics can cause loss of packets and needs an effective method to recover the loss to provide high-quality multimedia streaming service. ARQ (Automatic Repeat Query) can be used to re-receive the loss packets that are being delivered. The heterogeneous networks can be used to effectively deliver multimedia stream and also provides ARQ to recover the loss packets. The retransmitted data can be delivered over bi-directional network such as Internet. This paper proposes a hybrid delivery for heterogeneous network environment and efficient ARQ that can be considered for multimedia streaming. © 2014 Global IT Research Institute (GIRI).
KSP Keywords
Bi-directional, DVB-H, High-quality, Hybrid delivery, Mobile devices, Multimedia streaming, Research institute, Streaming service, WI-Fi, heterogeneous network(HetNet), network environment