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학술대회 Exploiting In-Network Functions Enabling SDN For Evolving Future Internet Architecture
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유태완, 정희영
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2014, pp.780-784
14ZI1200, 고품격 미래인터넷을위한 식별자기반 네트워킹기술연구, 정희영
This paper presents evolving Future Internet Architecture to exploit in-network functions as realizing basic Identifier and locator separation scheme, which is a notable design principle for most of Future Internet Architecture. First of all, software-centric in-network functions, such as identifier and locator separation, network model, and etc. motivated from MOFI, can be implemented and managed by SDN. Concretely these functions are realized in specific MOFI entities and functions such as ARs and GWs, since SDN enables easy management to be instantiated dynamically by logically centralized controller, and these functions can be easily utilized in two different ways. First is that these functions are installed to real entities as non-virtualization manner. Secondly these functions can be easily implemented as virtual machine, so that virtual in-network functions can be easily deployed to new networks on-demand. To verify the in-network functions, this paper presents two evolving architectures by applying in-network functions such as the domain based internetworking architecture and future datacenter network architecture.
KSP 제안 키워드
Centralized controller, Data Center Networks, Identifier and locator separation, In-network, Network Architecture, Network model, On-demand, Virtual machine(VM), design principles, future Internet architecture, network function