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학술대회 Forensic Artifacts in Network Surveillance Systems
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임경수, 김정녀, 이덕규
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network (UCAWSN) 2014 (LNEE 331), pp.341-348
14MS3600, 모바일 단말의 비인가 접근 차단 및 안전한 운영환경 보장을 위한 EAL 4급 군사용 융합 보안 솔루션 개발, 김정녀
The network video surveillance system is the latest trend in surveillance technology and has been rapidly surpassing the older analogue cameras used in most surveillance systems nowadays. The network surveillance system is mostly similar to contemporary computer systems such as personal computer, server sys-tem, and embedded system. In means, acquiring or recovering video evidence in network surveillance are quite similar to traditional evidence collection techniques in digital forensics and these operations are needed to be considered proving the integrity of evidence. However, a lack of research on evidential video management in network surveillance system is able to damage reliability and admissibility in a court of law. In this paper, we defines forensic artifacts for performing video evidence retrieval in network surveillance systems. The purpose of this work is to provide reliable video evidence collection from each network surveillance systems with admissibility and integrity of evidence.
KSP 제안 키워드
Computer systems, Digital forensics, Embedded system, Evidence collection, Network video surveillance, Video management, Video surveillance system, personal computer(PC)