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학술대회 New Geometric Interpretation and Analytic Solution for Quadrilateral Reconstruction
Cited 4 time in scopus Download 3 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2014, pp.4015-4020
14ME5100, 실감 디지털 캔버스 구현을 위한 실제 붓 이미지 입출력 장치 및 플랫폼 개발, 서정대
A new geometric framework, called generalized coupled line camera (GCLC), is proposed to derive an analytic solution to reconstruct an unknown scene quadrilateral and the relevant projective structure from a single or multiple image quadrilaterals. We extend the previous approach developed for rectangle to handle arbitrary scene quadrilaterals. First, we generalize a single line camera by removing the centering constraint that the principal axis should bisect a scene line. Then, we couple a pair of generalized line cameras to model a frustum with a quadrilateral base. Finally, we show that the scene quadrilateral and the center of projection can be analytically reconstructed from a single view when prior knowledge on the quadrilateral is available. A completely unknown quadrilateral can be reconstructed from four views through non-linear optimization. We also describe a improved method to handle an off-centered case by geometrically inferring a centered proxy quadrilateral, which accelerates a reconstruction process without relying on homography. The proposed method is easy to implement since each step is expressed as a simple analytic equation. We present the experimental results on real and synthetic examples.
KSP 제안 키워드
Coupled line, Geometric interpretation, Improved method, Nonlinear optimization, Off-centered, Principal axis, analytic solution, prior knowledge, reconstruction process, single view