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학술대회 On the Statistical Characteristics of Power Balance Approach: Theoretical Study
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이영승, 최수나, 권종화
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2014, pp.1155-1157
14MR1600, ICT 시설 등 주요 인프라의 전자파 안전성 연구, 권종화
This paper discusses the statistical natures of certain assumptions and requirements that underlie the formulation of the power balance approach (PWB) and provides a clear link from the statistical results of this analysis method for general lossy structures to a deterministic solution based on Maxwells equations. A two-dimensional (2D) lossy rectangular cavity driven by an electric line source was employed as a physical model for the validation, which represents a complex large environment whose exact closed-form eigenfunctions could not be found. Numerical computation shows that the statistical 'ensemble average' is directly related to a deterministic problem by the volume average even in the general situation. Profound understanding of physical and statistical requirements for the PWB, such as the isotropy condition and the transition frequency to assure the oversized environment, is investigated by using the chi-square goodness-of-fit test. An extension to nonuniform radiation into the environment using superposition principle is also briefly discussed in the presentation.
KSP 제안 키워드
Analysis method, Chi-square goodness-of-fit test, Line source, Numerical computations, Physical model, Statistical characteristics, Superposition principle, Theoretical Study, Volume average, closed-form, ensemble average