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학술대회 Path Loss Measurements for Low-Antenna Links in Urban Street Environments
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이주열, 김명돈, 김진업, 정현규
Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI) 2014, pp.957-958
14ZI1100, 트래픽 용량 증대를 위한 액세스 네트워크 원천기술 연구, 김진업
This paper presents line-of-sight (LoS) path loss characteristics for low-antenna links in urban street environments to account for propagation channels in mobile-to-mobile direct communications. The key variables, from the perspective of horizontal and vertical planes of such environments, are street width and surrounding building height. In this paper, we investigate the effects of the environmental variables on path loss, based on measurement campaigns. To emulate a mobile-to-mobile direct communication link, both a transmitter and a receiver are installed in vehicles so that the antennas are held to near-street levels. Path loss measurements are collected at a carrier frequency of 3.7 GHz with an omni 1×4-antenna configuration. The measured results show that the building height does affect the path loss behavior, but that the street width does not. In particular, the path loss exponent after the break point decreases as the building height increases.
KSP 제안 키워드
Building height, Carrier frequency, Communication link, Direct Communication, Key variables, Line-Of-Sight(LOS), Loss measurement, Mobile-to-Mobile(M2M), Path loss characteristics, Propagation Channel, Urban street