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학술대회 Secure Virtualised Environment
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Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan, Sakir Sezer, 최양서, 김익균, 정청환
International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST) 2014, pp.112-117
14PS1100, 신뢰기반 클라우스 컴퓨팅 서비스를 위한 알려지지 않은 가상화 기반 악성행위 탐지 및 분석기술 개발, 김익균
Cloud computing is a technological advancement that provide resources through internet on pay-as-you-go basis. Cloud computing uses virtualisation technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its advantages. Virtualisation is the key to consolidate the computing resources to run multiple instances on each hardware, increasing the utilization rate of every resource, thus reduces the number of resources needed to buy, rack, power, cool, and manage. Cloud computing has very appealing features, however, lots of enterprises and users are still reluctant to move into cloud due to serious security concerns related to virtualisation layer. Thus, it is foremost important to secure the virtual environment. In this paper, we present an elastic framework to secure virtualised environment for trusted cloud computing called Server Virtualisation Security System (SVSS). SVSS provide security solutions located on hypervisor for Virtual Machines by deploying malicious activity detection techniques, network traffic analysis techniques, and system resource utilization analysis techniques. SVSS consists of four modules: Anti-Virus Control Module, Traffic Behavior Monitoring Module, Malicious Activity Detection Module and Virtualisation Security Management Module. A SVSS prototype has been deployed to validate its feasibility, efficiency and accuracy on Xen virtualised environment.
KSP 제안 키워드
Activity Detection, Behavior monitoring, Computing resources, Malicious Activity, Monitoring Module, Multiple instances, Network traffic analysis, Pay-as-you-go, Security Management, Trusted cloud computing, Virtual environment