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학술대회 Service Platform for User Schedule based Applications Recommendation
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유현경, 박유미, 금창섭
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2014, pp.462-465
14MI9100, (통합)초연결 스마트 모바일 서비스를 위한 5G 이동통신 핵심기술개발, 정현규
Due to the recent rapid growth of service applications, the need for service platform which allows development and management of applications has increased. A service platform supports developers to create and mashup applications by combining components of existing applications and web services. In this paper, we use mashlet that is the basic component of mashup application that implements a specific functionality. In this paper, we propose the service platform provides the user schedule based applications recommendation including mashlets. It extracts the events from user schedules and estimates intents by event type classification. And, it recommends the mashlets matched with intents. Thus, the useful mashlet recommendation can enhance the availability of applications or mashlets. Also we develop the schedule applications and mashlets that show our platform features. As our platform uses schedules that can connect to user actions, and suggests the more useful applications to comply with user's need, without search and download of applications.
KSP 제안 키워드
Event type, Mashup application, Schedule based, Type classification, User actions, WEB SERVICES, mashlet recommendation, need for, rapid growth, service platform