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학술대회 Subjective Quality Assessment of Mixed-Resolution Stereoscopic Videos In 3D Broadcasting
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이주영, 김성훈, 정세윤, 최진수, 김진웅
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2014, pp.289-292
14MR9100, (통합)융합형 실감방송 서비스 및 전송 기술 개발, 허남호
Various techniques have been developed for efficient compression of stereoscopic 3D videos. Mixed-resolution based approach is one representative bit-rate saving method based on the characteristics of human visual system that the mixed-resolution stereoscopic videos are perceived close to the higher resolution. However, when the difference between the left and right image resolutions is bigger than a certain threshold level, the perceived quality degradation of the 3D images occurs. In this work, we conducted the subjective quality assessments on the mixed-resolution 3D videos of SC-MMH, an ATSC 3D broadcasting system that saves bit-rate based on the aforementioned characteristics of human visual system, to find the optimum bit-rate distribution between left and right views. By analyzing the result, we also demonstrate that SC-MMH can provide the acceptable 3D services with the given bit-rate, 19.39Mbps of one 6MHz physical channel.
KSP 제안 키워드
3D Image, 3D Video, Based Approach, Bit Rate, Broadcasting system, Human Visual System(HVS), Perceived quality, Physical Channel, Quality assessment(IQA), Quality degradation, SC-MMH