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Conference Paper The Cost Effective and Secure Service Platform to Enable Smart Grid Service with Mobile Backhaul Network
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Woo-Sug Jung, Seung-Hyun Cho, Jong Hyun Lee
Issue Date
Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON) 2014, pp.49-54
Conference Paper
The service charge and security on network are obstacles to widely enable a smart grid. To overcome those obstacles, we propose the cost effective and secure service platform with mobile backhaul network. Our proposal applies the RoF based CBS (cloud base station) for cost effective mobile network. The RoF based CBS reduces a CAPEX and OPEX for optical link to build up a next mobile network since it can reuse a present optical link or minimize the number of new optical link. We propose the TPHE (Two Phase Hybrid Equalizer) to overcome the technical issue which is distorted the analog signal on optical link. The TPHE has improved 3.0% of measured EVM. Our paper proposes the WSTA (Wi-Fi based Security Tunnel based on Application) for the BGW (Backhaul Gateway) which connect to mobile backhaul network and Wi-Fi. The WSTA manages security tunnels and pipe to overcome the security vulnerability point on Wi-Fi. The WSTA can protect the other security pipe or tunnel except the hacked pipe or tunnel from hacker even though a specific security tunnel or pipe has hacked, since a security tunnel or pipe is independently managed with the other security tunnel or pipe. A security tunnel is managed by application and a security tunnel is tied to the security tunnel.
KSP Keywords
Analog signal, Backhaul network, Build-up, Grid service, Mobile backhaul, Mobile networks, Secure Service, Security vulnerabilities, Smart grids, Two-phase, WI-Fi