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학술지 다국어 자동 통번역을 위한 공통 변환 기반 하이브리드 자동 번역 방법
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최승권, 김영길
통번역학연구, v.20 no.3, pp.121-136
한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소
16HS1300, 지식증강형 실시간 동시통역 원천기술 개발, 김영길
Along with the advancement of speech recognition technology and machine translation technology in addition to the fast distribution of mobile devices, automatic speech translation technology no longer remains as a subject of research as it has become popularized throughout many users. The goal of this paper is to describe the method of hybrid machine translation based on common transfer for multilingual speech and machine translation. As of 2012, there are different bilingual machine translation systems such as Korean-to-English, English-to-Korean, Korean-to-Japanese, Japanese-to-Korean, Korean-to-Chinese, and Chinese-to-Korean machine translation systems in Korea. An increase in the number of tourists is expected due to the fact that the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Korea in 2018. Budget problem prevents us from employing a sufficient number of human interpreters who can fluently interpret such languages as Spanish, French, German, and Russian. For this reason, consumers such as the Korea Tourism Organization and speech translation service providers demand a multilingual speech and machine translation system. We are developing a multilingual speech and machine translation system aiming for multilingual expansibility and high-quality translation accuracy.
KSP 제안 키워드
High-quality, Hybrid machine translation, Machine Translation(MT), Mobile devices, Multilingual speech, Service Provider, Speech recognition technology, Speech translation, Translation Accuracy, Translation system, Translation technology