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학술지 Vision Based Displacement Detection for Stabilized UAV Control on Cloud Server
Cited 6 time in scopus Download 6 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
정혁준, 최정단, 하영국
Mobile Information Systems, v.2016, pp.1-11
16MS3600, (1세부) 클라우드 기반의 점진적 정밀 진화형 맵 생성 및 주행상황인지 SW 기술개발, 최정단
Nowadays, image processing solution is used in many fields such as traffic information systems and illegal intrusion detection systems. Now, to assist with the control of camera-equipped devices, appropriate image processing techniques are needed for moving rather than fixed observers. For achieving this goal, an algorithm should derive the desired results quickly and accurately; thus, this paper considers two characteristics: functional performance (reliability) and temporal performance (efficiency). Reliability means how well the desired results can be achieved, and efficiency means how quickly the result can be calculated. This paper suggests an optimized real-time image algorithm based on the integration of the optical flow and Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithms. This algorithm determines horizontal or vertical movement of the camera and then extracts its displacement. The proposed algorithm can be used to stabilize an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in situations where it is drifting due to inertia and external forces, like wind, in parallel. The proposed algorithm is efficient in achieving drift stabilization by movement detection; however, it is not appropriate for image processing in small UAVs. To solve this problem, this study proposes an image processing method that uses a high-performance computer.
KSP 제안 키워드
Cloud server, External force, High-performance computer(HPC), Image algorithm, Image processing method, Image processing technique, Information systems(IS), Intrusion Detection Systems(IDSs), Intrusion detection system(IDS), Movement Detection, Optical Flow