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Conference Paper Mobility Load Balancing Enhancement for Self-Organizing Network over LTE System
Cited 10 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Sangchul Oh, Hongsoog Kim, Jeehyeon Na, Yeongjin Kim, Sungoh Kwon
Issue Date
International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networks and Systems (NEW2AN) 2016 (LNCS 9870), v.9870, pp.205-216
Conference Paper
The objective of mobility load balancing (MLB) is to intelligently spread user traffic load out on a network in order to avoid degradation of end-user experience and performance due to overloaded or congested cells. The load standard deviation (LSD) as a new key performance indicator (KPI) for MLB performance evaluation has been proposed in the paper. The paper aims to minimize the LSD over network level for equally spreading cell load out on a network with low radio resource control (RRC) signaling load. To support the MLB function enhancement for self-organizing network (SON), the novel MLB algorithm has been proposed in this paper. The performance of the algorithm has been analyzed and compared through computer simulations as well. According to the results, we found that the proposed MLB algorithm can reduce the LSD from 7.48% to 60.74 %. On the other hand, we observed that the proposed MLB algorithm required 10.79% more handovers than the non-MLB operation. Moreover, the overall number of RLF was produced as many as 140 from the proposed MLB algorithm operation. This information indicates that MLB and mobility robustness optimization (MRO) coordination is needed for reducing the number of RLF. Furthermore, looking at the impacts of RLF, we can conclude that MRO should have higher priority than MLB.
KSP Keywords
Cell load, Computer simulation(MC and MD), LTE system, Mobility Robustness Optimization, Network level, Performance evaluation, Performance indicators, Radio resource control, Self-organizing network, Signaling load, Standard deviation(STD)