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Conference Paper λ/16 Spaced ESPAR Antenna Using Analog RF Switches for Single RF Chain
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Jung-Nam Lee, Yongho Lee, Yuro Lee, Tag-Jung Kim
Issue Date
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2016, pp.840-841
Conference Paper
Project Code
16MF1200, Development of 5G Mobile Communication Technologies for Hyper-connected smart services, Chung Hyun Kyu
Electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna using analog RF switches for single RF chain is presented. A switch simplifies the design and implementation of reactance loads, does not require complex additional antenna matching circuits. The measured impedance bandwidth of the proposed ESPAR antenna is 650 MHz (2.35-3 GHz). The proposed antenna has a beam pattern is reconfigurable in the 2.45 GHz due to a change in the reactance value, the measured peak antenna gain is 4.5 dBi.
KSP Keywords
2.45 GHz, Antenna gain, Beam pattern, Measured impedance, RF switch, Single RF chain, antenna matching, design and implementation, electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, impedance bandwidth, matching circuit