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학술대회 Parallel Prime Number Labeling of Large XML Data Using MapReduce
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안진현, 임동혁, 이태휘, 김홍기
International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS) 2016, pp.1-2
16ZS1400, 듀얼모드 배치.쿼리 분석을 제공하는 빅데이터 플랫폼 핵심기술 개발, 원종호
Massive XML (Extensible Markup Language) data are available on the web. XML data labeling schemes have been suggested for structural query processing of massive XML data. Notable schemes include interval- based, prefix-based, and prime number-based labeling schemes. Of these, the prime number labeling scheme has the advantage of query processing by simple arithmetic operations. However, a parallel algorithm for this scheme does not exist. The requirement that all parents' labels have to be multiplied to obtain the label of a node makes it difficult to label XML data in a parallel fashion. To address the issue, in this paper, we propose a cluster-based technique wherein all parent nodes for a node are aggregated to compute its label by two-step MapReduce jobs. Our experiments on real-world XML datasets showed the advantages over a single machine-based system.
KSP 제안 키워드
Arithmetic operations, Data Labeling, Extensible markup language(XML), Labeling scheme, Parallel Algorithm, Prime number labeling, Query Processing, Real-world, Two-Step, XML Data, based system