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학술대회 PaaS Offering for the Big Data Analysis of Each Individual APC
Cited 2 time in scopus Download 8 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
박현, 이은주, 박대헌, 은지숙, 김세한
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2016, pp.30-32
16MH1900, GS1(Global Standard #1) 표준 기반의 균형생산·투명유통·안전소비를 위한 농·축산 클라우드 및 응용서비스 개발, 김세한
Application developers who work in the agricultural sector usually develop the application SW, for example, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), for farm product companies such as APCs (Agricultural Product Processing Center). However, they are faced with some problems to meet their requirements according to increasing numbers of APC. Each individual APC wants to get the accurate result of forecasting about the supply and demand of the agriculture products using its own data, the crop yield and price. Thus, the appropriate development environment and analysis model for each individual APC must be considered. This paper aims to offer the platform service, PaaS, for the application developer. It facilitates the use of various development environments, which enable to protect the APC own information and to easily develop applications for big data analysis. We implemented PaaS platform for the agriculture sector using VM (Virtual Machine) instances and API (Application Programming Interface) components.
KSP 제안 키워드
Agricultural products, Agricultural sector, Agriculture Products, Agriculture sector, Analysis Model, Application programming interface, Big Data analysis, Development environment, Enterprise Resource Planning, Farm product, Platform service