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학술대회 XML-based Modeling of Risk Estimation Criteria to Support Safety Management in Shipbuilding
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최유희, 박정호, 장병태
World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS) 2016, pp.1-7
16ZC1900, 조선해양 및 육상플랜트의 스마트 HSE 시스템 개발, 장병태
With a rising concern about safety issues recently, demands for measures to reduce industrial accidents are increasing. In particular, safety management is essential task of project management in shipbuilding industry that is regarded as one of the most dangerous sectors. In order to manage safety, risk caused by several hazards should be properly estimated. Risk estimation criteria can be commonly applied regardless of the types of ships to be built and specific shipyards. In this regard, first of all, we classified risk estimation criteria that can be applied to shipbuilding domain and proposed an approach that allows to generate risk estimation logics by representing risk estimation criteria as XML.
KSP 제안 키워드
Estimation criteria, Industrial accidents, Project management, Risk estimation, Shipbuilding industry, XML-based modeling, safety issues, safety management