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학술대회 Effects of the Displaying Augmented-Reality Information on the Driving Behavior of the Drivers with Specific Psychological Characteristics
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황윤숙, 김경호
International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS) 2016, pp.1-2
16ZC2100, 스마트자동차를 위한 첨단 디지털 Cockpit 시스템 개발, 김도현
We conducted this study to confirm an effects of displaying augmented-reality information on the drivers' driving behavior under the low visibility conditions. An experiment was conducted for collecting the response time as a driving behavior. And we used a questionnaire to collect the drivers' psychological characteristics. The 35 male drivers participated in this study. As a result, the Problem Evading had a positive correlation to the response time under the control condition. In contrast, under the head-up display system usage condition which provides augmented-reality information, the Anti-Personal Anxiety was negatively correlated with the response time. This means that it may affect to the object detection behavior of the drivers with specific psychological characteristics and may partially induce a relaxation of tension or stress when they enable to use the system. Therefore, it might contribute the psychological driving safety of the drivers with the Problem Evading or Anti-Personal Anxiety.
KSP 제안 키워드
Augmented reality(AR), Display System, Head-up Display, Object detection, Positive correlation, System usage, control condition, driving behavior, driving safety, low visibility, response time