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학술지 Frequency Mixing Magnetic Detection Scanner for Imaging Magnetic Particles in Planar Samples
Cited 7 time in scopus Download 11 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
홍효봉, 임을균, 정재찬, 장지호, 신성웅, Hans-Joachim Krause
Journal of Visualized Experiments, v.2016 no.112, pp.1-10
15MC2900, 차세대 의료영상 이미징 시스템 개발, 홍효봉
The setup of a planar Frequency Mixing Magnetic Detection (p-FMMD) scanner for performing Magnetic Particles Imaging (MPI) of flat samples is presented. It consists of two magnetic measurement heads on both sides of the sample mounted on the legs of a u-shaped support. The sample is locally exposed to a magnetic excitation field consisting of two distinct frequencies, a stronger component at about 77 kHz and a weaker field at 61 Hz. The nonlinear magnetization characteristics of superparamagnetic particles give rise to the generation of intermodulation products. A selected sum-frequency component of the high and low frequency magnetic field incident on the magnetically nonlinear particles is recorded by a demodulation electronics. In contrast to a conventional MPI scanner, p-FMMD does not require the application of a strong magnetic field to the whole sample because mixing of the two frequencies occurs locally. Thus, the lateral dimensions of the sample are just limited by the scanning range and the supports. However, the sample height determines the spatial resolution. In the current setup it is limited to 2 mm. As examples, we present two 20 mm × 25 mm p-FMMD images acquired from samples with 1 μm diameter maghemite particles in silanol matrix and with 50 nm magnetite particles in aminosilane matrix. The results show that the novel MPI scanner can be applied for analysis of thin biological samples and for medical diagnostic purposes.
KSP 제안 키워드
2 mm, Biological sample, Frequency components, Intermodulation Products, Lateral dimensions, Low Frequency Magnetic Field, Magnetic excitation, Magnetic field(MF), Magnetite particles, Medical Diagnostic, Nonlinear magnetization characteristics