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학술대회 Modeling and Simulation of Robotic Projector for SAR: A Preliminary Study
Cited 1 time in scopus Download 2 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
이주행, 이주호, 정민교
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2016 : Asia, pp.680-681
16PS2200, 로봇 적용 범위 확장을 위해 3종의 조인트 모듈, 최대 7자유도의 기구부 조합에 따른 제어, 인지 시스템의 자동 구성이 가능한 모듈라 매니퓰레이션 기술 개발, 김재홍
We propose a modeling and simulation method to control the pose of a projector mounted on a simple robotic device to be deployed in SAR (spatial augmented reality) application where a virtual content should be projected over a desired target area in the real world. For this purpose, the principal axis and four edges of a frustum, which are the key geometric features of projection, are kinematically modeled as a virtual prismatic joint with infinite length. This modeling can be easily formulated and integrated into an existing inverse kinematics (IK) control framework developed for robotics. The proposed method enables to control the pose of robotic SAR device in both forward and inverse manners, especially specifying a target area as an end-effector. We outline the proposed method with some preliminary results.
KSP 제안 키워드
Augmented reality(AR), End-effector, Geometric features, Modeling and Simulation, Preliminary study, Principal axis, Prismatic joint, Real-world, Robotic device, Simulation method, Spatial augmented reality