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Journal Article Determinants of continuance intention to use the smartphone banking services
Cited 321 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Aries Susanto, Younghoon Chang, Youngwook Ha
Issue Date
Industrial Management & Data Systems, v.116, no.3, pp.508-525
Emerald Group
Journal Article
Purpose - Existing research in the electronic banking area has not deeply investigated the determinants of continuance intention to use smartphone banking services. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to do so by investigating continuance use intention at the post-consumption phase. Design/methodology/approach - It developed and validated an extended framework based on the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). A total of 301 smartphone users who subscribed to online banking services participated in the study. Findings - The results revealed that users' confirmation after the initial use of smartphone banking services has significant impact on perceived security, perceived usefulness, trust, and user satisfaction. Perceived security significantly influences trust while perceived usefulness significantly influences trust, user satisfaction, and continuance use intention. Both user satisfaction and self-efficacy also significantly influence continuance use intention. Trust exerts significant impact on user satisfaction. The findings have implications for banks in planning their strategies to increase consumers' continuance intention to use smartphone banking services. Originality/value - Most studies have focussed only technology adoption and have paid little attention on use continuance in the context of electronic or smartphone banking. This manuscript fills the gap by focussing on the post-consumption phase. In special, the manuscript develops an extended framework based on the ECM to address IS use continuance. In addition, the topic is timely as mobile internet has been flourishing in the world.
KSP Keywords
Continuance intention, Continuance use intention, Electronic Banking, Expectation Confirmation Model(ECM), Intention to use, Online Banking, Perceived usefulness, Self-efficacy, Smartphone banking services, Technology Adoption, Use continuance