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학술대회 ROUTE/DASH Server System Development for Realtime UHD Broadcasting
Cited 1 time in scopus Download 4 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
기명석, 석진욱, 김휘용
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2017, pp.796-799
16MR1200, (통합)초고품질 콘텐츠 지원 UHD실감 방송/디지털 시네마/사이니지 융합서비스 기술 개발, 최진수
Recently, digital broadcasting has been increasingly demanded for high-definition broadcasting services such as HDR UHDTV. In addition, consumption environment of multimedia is also changing to a tendency to enjoy through various types of terminals. In order to satisfy such changes, we developed a ROUTE/DASH Server system to be inputted real-time encoded UHD stream, packetize it into ROUTE/DASH and output it to UDP, and we also verify it through developed ROUTE/DASH client. The developed ROUTE/DASH Server system provides a way to solve that the limitations of various network and receiving environment of existing MPEG-2 TS system. Using the developed system, it is expected that it can be used not only for multimedia service through broadband but also for transmission system of broadcasting system of ATSC 3.0 in which next standard broadcasting is being standardized.
KSP 제안 키워드
ATSC 3.0, Broadcasting system, Digital Broadcasting, High definition, MPEG-2 TS, Multimedia Service, Real-Time, TS system, Transmission system, broadcasting services, system development