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학술지 Quantitative Detection of Prostatic-Specific Antigens by Using Scanning Electron Microscopy for the Analysis of Protein Chips
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이지수, 정문연, 박형주
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v.17 no.4, pp.2768-2771
American Scientific Publishers (ASP)
We reported that quantitative detection of prostatic-specific antigen (PSA), which is the biomarker of prostate cancer, could be carried out by calculating the number density and the area ratio of gold nanoparticle probes on the surface of silicon oxide chips. When chips selectively activated with PSA were immersed in the gold nanoparticles conjugated with prostatic specific antigens-poly clonal antibodies (PSA-pAb), it was possible to observe changes in the number density and the area ratio of gold nanoparticles on the surface of the chips according to the concentration of PSA with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. As PSA concentration increased, the number density and the area ratio of gold nanoparticle probes on the surfaces of the chips increased accordingly. Conversely, with lower concentration, the number density and the area ratio of gold nanoparticle probes on the surfaces decreased at a certain ratio. We observed the correlations between PSA concentration and number density, area ratio of gold nanoparticle probes through the analysis of SEM images. In addition, it was confirmed that the sizes of the gold nanoparticles affected the detection limit of the number density and the area ratio of gold nanoparticle probes on the surface.
KSP 제안 키워드
Analysis of SEM, Area ratio, Detection limit, Gold nanoparticle probes, Prostate Cancer, Protein chip, SEM images, Scanning electron microscopy(S.E.M.), Silicon oxide, gold nanoparticles(NPs), number density