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Conference Paper Load Adaptive Distributed Stream Processing System for Explosive Stream Data
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Myungcheol Lee, Miyoung Lee, Sung Jin Hur, Ikkyun Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2015, pp.753-757
Conference Paper
Project Code
15MS9700, Cyber targeted attack recognition and trace-back technology based-on long-term historic analysis of multi-source data, Kim Ik Kyun
As smart devices such as sensors, smartphones, and CCTVs are becoming extensively utilized recently, stream data from those smart devices are consistently generated explosively. There are also increasing cases that we notice security attacks after already important assets are damaged by cyber-targeted attacks such as APT attacks due to the lack of real-time security log processing capability. Accordingly, the demand to process and analyse the exploding stream data in real-time and in advance is consistently increasing in many application domains. However, existing distributed stream processing systems like Storm and S4 are not well adaptive when there are drastic increase of input stream data. In this paper, we propose a distributed stream processing system which supports several load adaptation techniques utilizable for various circumstances of explosive data stream.
KSP Keywords
APT attacks, Data stream, Load Adaptation, Load adaptive, Log Processing, Processing capability, Security attacks, Smart devices, Stream Data, adaptation techniques, distributed stream processing system